Road running shoes for women Runners' lab

Road running shoes for women

Do you enjoy running through the streets or along the hotspots of the city? Then we can only recommend good, cushioned road running shoes. These shoes have specific features to protect your feet from the hard shocks of the pavement. This way, you can stay injury-free and fully enjoy the beautiful sport.


Road running shoes for women (253 products)

The right road running shoes 

Did you know that every pace and every training session requires a different shoe? For example, when doing interval training, it's best to wear different shoes than your shoes for long-distance runs. Your feet also determine which running shoe is best for you. That's why at Runners' lab, you'll find road running shoes with extra cushioning or shoes with more support. For competitive runners, there are road racing shoes equipped with a carbon plate.

Road running shoes from various brands

At Runners' lab, you have a choice of many qualitative brands. We offer running shoes from Hoka, Nike, adidas, and more. Want to know which road running shoes are best for your feet? Then visit one of our Runners' lab stores and test the shoes. Make your appointment online.

Did you buy your running shoes online? Then make sure to check if you have the correct fit and size for your feet. For this, we've created a handy checklist to verify your shoe size after purchase.