Running shoes at Runners' lab


How to choose the right running shoe? 

To give you the correct answer on the question above, we need more insights in your foot- and off-roll pattern. Our stores are therefore equipped with a 30m long test track with built-in footscan® technology. WIth your unique foot pattern in mind, our advisors select the right shoes for you. 

You can make an appointment online for a free running analysis in one of our stores.




Do you prefer to buy your running shoes online? We would like to give you some useful tips to choose the right shoes. It all depends on your personal goals and preferences.



1. What is the purpose of your run? 




A training shoe is the perfect choice for your daily runs - the easy ones. They usually have more cushioning and support to absorb the impact during running. 



A race shoe is made to go fast. These shoes are perfect when you want to break records or win races. This type of shoe delivers less support, but more propulsion. 



A trail running shoe is meant to run in nature. The lugs underneath provide grip on slippery surfaces and challenging paths. 



2. Do you have narrow or wide feet? 



Do you have quite narrow feet? Than a narrow fit of running shoes can be useful. They will hold your feet snugger for a more stable feeling. 


Are your feet quite wide? Than you might prefer a bit more space in the shoes. That creates a more comfortable, less snug feeling around your feet. 

Our shoes with narrow fit





3. Your running pattern



Runners who overpronate, better wear supportive running shoes. They keep your feet in a natural position, which avoids injuries. 


Do your feet land in an natural position - and thus not on the inside or outside - then you are good with a neutral running shoe.