Injury prevention for runners at Runners' lab

How to prevent running injuries? 

Injuries are the number one obstacle when you (start to) run. Making kilometers is one thing, but the care of your muscles and joints is just as important. 

When your condition is the engine, your muscles and joints are the chassis that keeps your body going. You better take care of them. 

Reaching your running goals injury-free? Add some injury prevention to your training schedule. There are many ways to do that, even for those runners with a busy agenda. 

Massage recovery devices 


Massage gun

Do you suffer from sore muscles after a intensive workout or long day? A massage device takes away the stress and tension. Just move the massage gun over the painful areas to reduce the stress. There exist different sizes and intensities of massages. 


Massage sleeves

Don't you have any free spot in your busy agenda? That's no excuse. With the massage-compression sleeves, you can recover during your daily activities. You can also wear them during your active recovery session, to boost the recovery. 


Normatec leg system 

Do you prefer to live the luxury life? Than the Normatec leg system is the way to go for your recovery. Hyperice developed these leg sleeves with dynamic air compression. It's like pants that give your legs the massage they need. Sit down, relax and let the Normatec system do its work




Muscle-strengthening and recovering exercises


A recovery device is useful, and makes your recovery much easier and efficient, but it's no must. You can perfectly recover and prevent injuries on your own. 


Muscle-strengthening exercises


Add some muscle-strengthening exercices to your training routine to keep your body strong. Focus on your core, hips and legs, because these muscles are mostly used during running. Relevant exercices are for example the step-up, lunges or the single-leg deadlift. 

Loose up the muscles 


Beside strenghtening your muscles, loosen up the muscles is important to prevent injuries. Lots of runners 'forget' the warming-up or cooling-down, because they think it's unnecessary and a waste of time. It absolutely isn't! Dynamic stretching before running prepares your muscles for the activity, and static stretching reduce the chances of sore legs. 


Use a foam roller 


A small tool that improves muscle recovery, is a foam roller. By using this roller, the blood circulation in your muscles improves. That keeps your legs fresh for long and improves recovery. 


injury prevention for runners at Runners' lab
foam rollers for runners at Runners' lab


Injury prevention for runners at Runners' lab
foamrollers for runners at Runners' lab



Plan rest days and respect your training schedule 


'Listen to your body' is what you often hear as advice. Nothing is less true, but we nuance that concerning injury prevention. Even if you feel fresh and fit, it's wise to plan rest days. Do you follow a training schedule? These rest days are probably scheduled in your planning. Respect that, even when your muscles feel fresh. Rest days are as important as training days. So, you give your body the time to recover. 

Don't build up to fast. We often want too much too soon. The common thread always is to gradually build up the volume and pace. 




Wear the right running shoes 


Another important aspect that you might underestimate, is the importance of the right running shoes. Depending on your running pattern, pace, type of training, discance and the surface, the appropriate running shoes can differ. 

Do you experience sudden pain in your knees, sore calves or back pain? Chances are it's time for new running shoes. 

The Runners' lab advisors know what shoes you need. How they know that? You run on a our test track, we analyse your feet and running pattern. That way, you run home with the right running shoes for your feet. 







Personal advice, 

With or without appointment


Runner or walker, top athlete or recreant? At Runners' lab, everyone is welcome for professional advice. Make your appointment online to avoid waiting times. 

You can always come by spontaneously for our expertise, but customers with an appointment comes first.